Due to the new laws (SB 2035) we will no longer be able to service your accounts after August 31, 2024. Please run a temp tag report on August 31 to make sure you have a complete listing of the tags that you created with us. You can also send an email to support@soonertemptags.com and we can email one to you. We want to thank you all for doing business with us for the last 10+ years and wish your business much success! Below is the information we received from the State of Oklahoma and contact information for questions you may have.

Attention Oklahoma Dealers: Effective September 1, 2024, The Mason Treat Act, SB2035 goes into effect. The new law requires all temporary tags to be purchased through an Authorized Temporary License Plate Vendor that must be registered with the Oklahoma New Motor Vehicle Commission and the Oklahoma Used Motor Vehicle, Dismantler, and Manufactured Housing Commission. For questions regarding the new law changes or to find a registered vendor, you may email the Oklahoma Used Motor Vehicle, Dismantler and Manufactured Housing Commission directly at the following email: commission@oumvdmhc.ok.gov.


SoonerTempTags.com allows you to create fully compliant, printed temporary tags on demand using our website and paper stock specifically designed for your dealership application.

Our Promise

  1. Your dealership will have secure access to our website with a password protected sign on screen.
  2. Since a temp tag does not exist until your dealership creates it, you are in control of each temp tag for your dealership, eliminating bogus temp tags.
  3. Each tag is logged automatically using a numerically sequenced temporary tag number for your dealership that creates a permanently archived temp tag production log.
  4. You will have access to your temp tag production reports, including all reprint activity.
  5. SoonerTempTags.com allows for dealership compliance in the creation, controlling and distribution of temporary tags.



